Cultivated in the Baramburi Valley, Chudong-ri, Hajang-myeon which is also a habitat of the second-grade endangered, Red-spotted Apollo Butterflies (Parnassius bremeri).
Yeongnim Farm cultivates mountain chamgomchwi on its clean farms located at 700m altitude and chamgomchwi cultivated here has a flavor and aroma that cannot be compared with those of ordinary gomchwi.
Yeongnim Farm's Chamgomchwi is an organic gomchwi that has been certified by the National Agricultural Product Quality Management Service as pesticide-free agricultural product (No. 11-07-3-75).
Yeongnim Farm also acquired Gangwon Province Agricultural, Fisheries and Special Regional Product Quality Assurance Certification (No. 10-36-01) and Pureun Gangwon Mark (Gangwon-07-04) for the outstanding quality of its Chamgomchwi.
You can use gomchwi to make various dishes such as go