Jixi City, Heilongjiang Province, China

General Information

Location: A city in southeastern Heilongjiang Province. Bordering cities are Mudanjiang and Qitaihe. It also borders Russia's Primorsky Krai to the southeast.

General Information
Population Area Administrative Organization Budget (CNY) Educational Institutions Climate Establishment of Sister City Relations
200 mil 2,531㎢ 2 Cities 1 District 6 Prefectures 1 University Continental Monsoon Climate May 21, 2008


Key Industries

Abundant mineral resources (coal, graphite, silica)


Resources (Mining)
  • 56 mineral veins have been discovered so far
  • Key Minerals: Coal, graphite, silica, Potash feldspar, marble, gold, platinum, palladium, mineral water
  • Has a lot of coalfields, has 7 types of quality coals including coking coals, gas coals and high calorie coals
  • Coal Reserves: 8 bil tons / annual coal production: 30 mil tons
    • Coal Mines: 12 state-owned enterprises, around 50 private enterprises
  • Graphite Reserves: 780 mil tons (No.1 in Asia) / annual production: 70,000 tons
  • Silica Reserves: 40 mil t / annual production: 3 mil t
  • Marble Reserves: 630 mil tons
  • Gold Reserves: 5t
Resources (Wild Resources)
  • Wide variety of herbs (around 100 varieties)
  • 300 types of mountain vegetables including brackens which is popular in Korean as well
  • 39 types of wild animals including tigers, bears, deer, roe deer, martens and 65 types of fish
  • Also a fish called Daebaegeo (Erythroculter Ilishaeformis) is considered one of the four greatest freshwater fish in China
Resources (Agricultural Resources)
  • Jixi is the primary grain producing region in Heilongjiang Province : 554,000ha
  • Key crops are soybeans and vegetables. 11 large state-owned farms in the city produce 2 million tons of grains every year.
  • 31 crops have acquired green food mark and generate KRW 2.04 billion every year
Investment Environment
  • The border between Russia is 631km. The two Class-1 State customs office in Mashan and Jianchang process 2 mil tons of cargo every year, 600 to 900 vehicles a day and 850,000 people every year.
  • The environment is good for business, commercial and technological investment and start-ups.
  • There is also a foreign investment service center that provides one-stop services for foreign investors

Key Exchange Areas

  • The two cities are aimed at increasing inter-city exchanges and cooperation in the administrative, educational, cultural, arts, economic, sports and environmental sectors under the principles of reciprocity and equality.
  • The two cities are working towards globalization and mutual growth of Korea and China
  • The two cities always stay in contact so that they can always cooperate towards inter-city exchanges and common interests

Key Attractions

Jixi University, Lake Xingkai, Ussuri River and ancient fortress sites from the Liao Dynasty and Jin Dynasty periods